Saturday, April 7, 2012

Ballyhoura Summer Series 2012 (Provisional List)

Hi All, here is the provisional list for the Ballyhoura Summer Series which includes our own race, it's not finalised yet but it will probably won't change!

Fri 1st June 7pm - Doneraile Park Dan Byrne Memorial 5k Trail Race(Mallow AC)
Fri 15th June ?pm - Ger Mullane Memorial Bilboa 10k(Bilboa AC)
Sat 23rd June 7.30pm - Eddie Murphy Memorial Run(Bilboa AC)
Fri 29th June 7.30pm - Kilfinane Festival 5 mile Road Race(Kilfinane AC)
Mon 2nd July ?pm - Dromcollogher Festival 4 mile Road Race(West Limerick AC)
Fri 13th July 8pm - Kilworth Camp 5 mile Road Race(Grange Fermoy AC)
Fri 20th July 8pm - Kilteely Festival 5 mile Road Race(Kilteely CC)
Fri 3rd Aug 8pm - Kilmeedy 5 mile Road Race(West Limerick AC)
Fri 10 Aug 7.30pm - GR8KM Road Race Michelstown(Galtee Runners AC)
Fri 31st Aug 7pm - Liscarroll Tom Fitzpatrick Memorial 10k Road Race(Liscarroll AC)
Sunday 23rd Sept 10am - Charville Half-Marathon & HM Relay(4x5k)(North Cork AC)

Anyone who completes 5 races will recieve a high quality technical t-shirt.
Anyone who completes 9 races will have free entry into the Charleville Half-Marathon. Now there's a ? on the sheet I have after that comment, so that has to be finalised. There is a couple of races with no times.

1 comment:


    7 races required for t-shirt
